Anatomic Radial Head System

The Acumed® Anatomic Radial Head Prosthesis is designed to provide a precise anatomical implant to replace the patient’s native radial head. Many innovative design features are incorporated into the implant heads and stems, as well as the instrumentation to improve the surgical technique. The Anatomic Radial Head System is a comprehensive solution for radial head fractures. The Acutrak 2® Mini and Micro Instruments are included in the base of the tray, as well as the Locking Radial Head Plate System. With the Anatomic Radial Head System, the surgeon is equipped with the tools needed to properly restore the patient’s anatomy in a radial head replacement surgery. Designed in conjunction with Shawn W. O’Driscoll, Ph.D, M.D., the Acumed® Anatomic Radial Head System provides a comprehensive solution for radial head replacement.

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