Acumed® Elbow Plating System

Designed in conjunction with Shawn W. O’Driscoll, Ph.D., M.D., the Elbow Plating System is designed to address fractures of the distal humerus, olecranon, and coronoid. The Elbow Plating System offers precontoured, indication-specific plates and includes a low-profile Olecranon Plate design with anatomic curvature and instrumentation to aid with plate and screw insertion. This system also includes the Hexalobe Screw System with variable angle Tap-Loc® Technology for the Medial and Lateral Distal Humerus Plates. Posterolateral Plates are offered in addition to our Medial and Lateral Distal Humerus Plates to provide multiple plating solutions for elbow fracture management.

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