Fixed-angle proximal humerus plate

Fracture of the head of the humerus is a problem fracture. Primary joint replacement has not produced the desired solution and is now only recommended in individual cases or in the elderly patient. One problem in the head-preserving operation is secure fixation of the often osteoporotic bone fragments. Because of their diverging position extending into the subchondral region, the 5 angle stable screws for the head that are anchored in the plate enable fixed spatial stability to be obtained and thus allow early functional aftercare. The course of the screws overall is in an oblique cranial direction so that the plate is located somewhat more distally. In conjunction with the slight thickness of the plate, this prevents plate impingement. Additional holes are incorporated in the head of the plate to which tension banding of the greater or lesser tuberosity, if required, can be fixed easily and securely. The possibility of angle stable fixation of the shaft screws also allows periosteumsparing operating.

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